This is my personal notes from the first couple of chapters of Matthew where I learned much from the disciple's account of the life of Jesus. I encourage you to look at the book of Matthew and I hope that these notes can help others understand as well as I have been able to with the help of our heavenly father.
1:18 => (Jesus means “the lord saves”) Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit so that he would not inherit the sins of Adam, but he was still carried and born of a woman so he is still a hundred percent divine and a hundred percent human.
Supporting scripture:
Hebrews 4:15-16 shows because Jesus lived as a man he fully understood our experiences and struggles!
Colossians 2:13-15 shows us Jesus has the authority and power over sin to save us.
1:24-2=> Joseph took Mary even though others thought badly of him for it. Joseph showed that doing what’s right is not always easy.
2:10=> When the magi saw the star they traveled a long ways to find Jesus. When they came upon him they were overjoyed, this is much different from today where people expect God to find them and shower them with blessings.
2:12=> when we find Jesus like the Magi the path of our life will have to change
2:14-16=> King Herod shows that no one can twat God’s plan and that Jesus does not want to take our present life but give us eternal life.
3:1-3=> John the Baptist is a great example of how we must prepare the way for Jesus into others hearts who do not know him.
3:4-6=> John shows how to practice what you preach; he lived so that others would know his message was new and urgent. He also used curiosity about his lifestyle to turn people to repentance.
3:13-15=> John puts his ego a side so that Jesus may save the sins of the world.
3:16-17=> This shows the Holy Trinity God the father speaks, Jesus the son is baptized, and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove.
Supporting scripture: other versus that speak of the trinity are
1 Corinthians 12:4-13
2 Corinthians 13:14
Ephesians 2:18
1 Thessalonians 1:2-5
1 Peter 1:2
4:1-5=> Shows God will test us so that we can prove our devotion to him. Also shows the important of resisting temptation. This verse also shows us that temptation is not sin but giving in and disobeying is a sin.
4=> The devil’s temptation focuses on three different areas: 1) Physical needs and desires 2) Possessions and power 3) Pride
4:4=> This shows the importance of knowing scripture. Knowing and following, even Satan knows scripture but he does not follow it.
4:5-7=> This verse show how important it is to remember God wants us to live by faith he is not a magician there to perform for us when we have doubt.
Supporting scripture: Luke 16:31, Deuteronomy 6:16
4:6=> Shows devil using scripture again
4:8-10=> Shows how the devil temps through material things and Jesus use these words to fight back “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only”
4:21-22=> Shows how we need to immediately follow Jesus when he calls
4:23-25This tells of how Jesus did his ministry in three parts 1) Teaching- shows his concern for understanding of God. 2) Preaching- shows his concern for commitment to God. 3) Healing- shows his concern for Gods people and there need for wholeness
5:3-5=> Jesus used contradictions to show how his way of living is backward from that of the world’s
5:3-12 The beatitudes can be understood at least four ways: 1) They are a code of ethics for the disciples and a standard of conduct for all believers. 2) They contrast Kingdom verses (which are eternal) with worldly values (which are temporary). 3) They contrast the superficial “faith” of the Pharisees with the real faith Christ wants. 4) They show how the Old Testament expectations will be fulfilled in the new kingdom.
5:11-12=> This verse tells of how Christ’s followers will be persecuted. Persecution can be good because 1) It takes our eyes off of earthly rewards. 2) It strips away superficial belief. 3) It strengthens the faith of those who endure. 4) Our attitude through it serves as an example
We can be comforted to know that God’s greatest prophets (Elijah, Jeremiah, and Daniel) were persecuted.
5:13=> we must not blend in as believers and do nothing or we would be as useless as non-salty salt
5:14-16=> Let the light of the lord shine through to others
5:17-20=> By Jesus’ time the laws had been so misquoted and miss understood they were just a mass of rules. Jesus when saying a new way of understanding God’s law was referring to bringing people back to their original understandings.
5:21-22=> Anger is a powerful sin and even if we do not act on our anger the emotional stress it puts on us is too much.
5:23=> Our anger with friends and really with anyone gets in the way of our relationship with God.
5:25-26=> We should settle disputes quickly and not leave any until the time that we meet our heavenly father.
5:27-28=> The act of lust is wrong so therefore the intention of these lustful activates is also wrong so Jesus warns of filling of one’s mind with fantasies that would be evil if acted out.
5:29-30=> It is easier to get rid of something that makes you sin than to go to hell for some possession, habit, or even person.
5:33-37=> Tell the truth do not make oaths that you know you will break. If you speak the truth always you will not have to back anything up.
5:38-39=> The term an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth was a guide line for judges in the old testament to make sure the punishment for the crime was not to severe or too lenient. It was not a go ahead for revenge if someone did something to you.
Supporting scripture and Old Testament references:
Exodus 21:23-25
Leviticus 24:19-20
Deuteronomy 19:21
5:38-42=> Instead of vengeance for those who wrong us pray for them this is the way of the Lord.
5:38-43=> these verse showed that Jesus was not the amazing military leader that the Jews wanted to help them escape Roman rule.
5:44=> We must trust the Holy Spirit to help us love your enemies
6:3=> it is important to do good acts but not so that you can get recognition from others but so that you can show others God’s love though your acts!
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