Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The book of Jonah and it's many lessons!


Many people even non Christians know the story of Jonah and the whale. It is safe to say that it is one of the many more famous story’s of the bible, right up there with Daniel in the lion’s den and Noah and the ark. I just finished reading the book of Jonah while trying to finish reading my way through the entire bible which I am very proud to say I have at this point done. I admit I probably did not take the time to study rather than just read but that is my next goal to understand as much as I can now that I have read it all. Sorry to go off on that tangent but while reading Jonah I noticed that there are many more lessons than just that of Jonah and the whale. I will try to show the best I can all the lessons that the lord has brought to me threw his word.

Chapter 1:1-2 tells of how God communicated to Jonah that he wanted him to go to Nineveh an important city in Assyria and preach against all the evil deeds of its citizens. In Jonah’s time the Assyrian empire was the rising world power. Within 50 years of God communicating to Jonah Nineveh would become the capital of the vast Assyrian empire. Jonah does not go into much detail about the city itself but after further research In the book of Nahum the prophet went into detail about how Nineveh was guilty of evil plots against God, exploitation of the helpless, cruelty in war, idolatry, prostitution, and witchcraft. So it is easy to see why instead of Jonah doing what God asked the scripture said Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. Jonah had grown up hating the people of Nineveh so he did not believe that they were worthy of hearing about God’s grace and how if they would just give their lives to God they could be saved from eternal torment in the lake of fire. Lucky for them and everyone else God has the final say on who is worthy and we know he does not wish that any of his children should suffer in hell. In verse 3 of chapter one we hear that Jonah ends up in Joppa and boards a ship headed for Tarshish. Scripture describes his plan as trying to flee from the Lord but he did not get very far. In the next couple of verses you hear that the Lord sent a great storm after Jonah and that it was so bad the sailors that were on the ship were very frightened and cried out to their gods. These verses sure make me think twice about ignoring God’s will for me to do something. When the sailors found Jonah sleeping below deck they woke him and asked him to pray to his God to help them all survive. Finally when nothing worked they cast lots to find who was at fault for the storm and of course it fell to Jonah. After finding out Jonah was the cause for the storm they asked who his God was and what he had done. Jonah replied in verse 9 by saying He answered, "I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land." After hearing this they were terrified and asked what they should do. Jonah responded that they should throw him over board because he knew it was his fault the storm had come up. Know that showed what kind of a person this man was he knew that he had done wrong and he was willing to pay the price to apologize to God. I ask you do you do that today. Do you show that Christian characteristic of responsibility can you be like Jonah? The sailors did not want to hurt Jonah so scripture say they tried to row back to shore but could not so they apologized and asked that Jonah’s death not be on their heads or that they not be held responsible. Verse 15 and 16 describes that after they threw him in the storm calmed and they then worshiped the lord and offered sacrifices to him. It’s amazing that God is able to take even an act of disobedience and make it into a tool of redemption for those sailors. Only God could foresee the wonderful opportunities of even something so disobedient. This shows God’s wisdom and forgiveness, he was not so mad at Jonah that all he could think about was what he would do to punish him but instead he used it as an opportunity to save these men’s souls. At the end of the first chapter we hear the big news that a huge fish came and swallowed Jonah were he stayed for three days and three nights. The entire second chapter is a prayer from Jonah while in the belly of the beast where he asked for forgiveness and at the end it spits him out. God new that Jonah had done wrong and when Jonah admitted he did as well and that he was sorry God forgave him. It amazing that God is so forgiving he gave Jonah wisdom and Jonah ran with it but when he returned to the Lord he was forgiven that’s all we must do return to the Lord and tell him that we are sorry we ran from him and just want to be with him again. In chapter 3 we learn that Jonah did indeed travel to Nineveh when the word of the lord came to him again with a message for its people. On the very first day Jonah told them that in forty days Nineveh would be overturned by the Lord. When the people heard this everyone to the very least to the king put on sack cloth, fasted, and renounced their evil ways. When God saw this he did not proceed with the destruction but forgave the city. Now Jonah has gone from running from the Lord to delivering an entire city (and not a small one at that). It makes you question wither there is an end to the forgiveness of the Lord he loves even those that ignore him so that even the most wicked will turn form there ways and worship him. In chapter 4 Jonah was angry because God did not give the people of Nineveh what was coming to them so to speak. He even went as far as trying to defend his flight to Tarshish. The lord answered him by asking if he himself had any right to be angry because he had found salvation, why not them. The lord then made a vine grow up to give Jonah shade but he also allowed a worn to eat the vine and it died and Jonah was left in the sun and very faint and again Jonah was angry this time with the vine. The lord asked him again if he had any right to be angry but Jonah replied yes he was angry enough to die. Jonah was not upset that all the people n Nineveh were going to perish but he was mad that a vine had died that gave him shade even thought he did not help it to grow. God goes on to explain that there are even 120,000 people that cannot tell there right hand from there left (which I interpret to mean they are young children or innocent and non deserving of the punishment). God showed that he was not just God of the Jews but a God of all nations and people who he Loves and wants them to worship him.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Armor of God

The Armor of God

The armor of God may sound like some kind of ancient suit of war worn by King David himself during the battles of the Old Testament, however we find this term in the book of Ephesians. The armor of God refers to truth, salvation, the gospel of peace, faith, righteousness and the Holy Spirit. Each of the pieces must be adorned by all believers if they are to go into battle against the forces of evil.

Ephesians 6:10-17 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devils scheme. For our struggle is not against flesh and Blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done every-thing to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

These verses show the importance of knowledge and preparation. First we must understand that all people are born into a spiritual battle ground. We stand between two massive armies on one side we see the shining robes of God’s warriors led by our Lord Jesus, on the other a line of snarling demons led by Satan himself. The knowledge we must grasp is that these armies are not looking at each other but at us in the middle. We are what they are fighting over the Lord and all the angels rejoice when we turn our lives to God and become Christians. Demons are constantly trying to take our attention of off God. Every soul they can corrupt is one less that there enemy God wins. The verses from Ephesians about the armor of God show what kind of protection our heavenly father has for us. He gives us righteousness that will protect us and keep us standing tall in the face of any kind of hardship we may face. This righteousness we must wear on our chest like a breastplate that can only be adorned on us by the Lord. The truth the Lord gives us will comfort us because we know that our redeemer Jesus Christ lives and has payed the price for our sins. The peace that the scripture gives us allows us to walk the path of life without fear. Our faith in Jesus shields us from the evil that rules our world. Salvation comforts our minds and protects us. We know that we are saved and can do anything through God who strengthens us. The spirit will allow us to cut through the lies of the enemies and strike down the demons that stand in our way. You can see that with all of these tools we can feel safe knowing we have the protection of the Lord. We are armored and equipped with weapons to fight for our God all we have to do is pray and except the gift of salvation from God’s son Jesus Christ. All you have to do is put on the helmet of salvation by giving you life to Jesus and then piece by piece you will receive the many gifts of God (his armor) and be able to stand with God and his warriors in the face of countless enemies knowing that you have already won. The bible tells us no matter what God over comes evil so would you not like to be on the winning team all you have to do is ask for Jesus. He loves you; all you have to do is ask!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This is my personal notes from the first couple of chapters of Matthew where I learned much from the disciple's account of the life of Jesus. I encourage you to look at the book of Matthew and I hope that these notes can help others understand as well as I have been able to with the help of our heavenly father.


1:18 => (Jesus means “the lord saves”) Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit so that he would not inherit the sins of Adam, but he was still carried and born of a woman so he is still a hundred percent divine and a hundred percent human.

Supporting scripture:

Hebrews 4:15-16 shows because Jesus lived as a man he fully understood our experiences and struggles!

Colossians 2:13-15 shows us Jesus has the authority and power over sin to save us.

1:24-2=> Joseph took Mary even though others thought badly of him for it. Joseph showed that doing what’s right is not always easy.

2:10=> When the magi saw the star they traveled a long ways to find Jesus. When they came upon him they were overjoyed, this is much different from today where people expect God to find them and shower them with blessings.

2:12=> when we find Jesus like the Magi the path of our life will have to change

2:14-16=> King Herod shows that no one can twat God’s plan and that Jesus does not want to take our present life but give us eternal life.

3:1-3=> John the Baptist is a great example of how we must prepare the way for Jesus into others hearts who do not know him.

3:4-6=> John shows how to practice what you preach; he lived so that others would know his message was new and urgent. He also used curiosity about his lifestyle to turn people to repentance.

3:13-15=> John puts his ego a side so that Jesus may save the sins of the world.

3:16-17=> This shows the Holy Trinity God the father speaks, Jesus the son is baptized, and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove.

Supporting scripture: other versus that speak of the trinity are

1 Corinthians 12:4-13

2 Corinthians 13:14

Ephesians 2:18

1 Thessalonians 1:2-5

1 Peter 1:2

4:1-5=> Shows God will test us so that we can prove our devotion to him. Also shows the important of resisting temptation. This verse also shows us that temptation is not sin but giving in and disobeying is a sin.

4=> The devil’s temptation focuses on three different areas: 1) Physical needs and desires 2) Possessions and power 3) Pride

4:4=> This shows the importance of knowing scripture. Knowing and following, even Satan knows scripture but he does not follow it.

4:5-7=> This verse show how important it is to remember God wants us to live by faith he is not a magician there to perform for us when we have doubt.

Supporting scripture: Luke 16:31, Deuteronomy 6:16

4:6=> Shows devil using scripture again

4:8-10=> Shows how the devil temps through material things and Jesus use these words to fight back “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only”

4:21-22=> Shows how we need to immediately follow Jesus when he calls

4:23-25This tells of how Jesus did his ministry in three parts 1) Teaching- shows his concern for understanding of God. 2) Preaching- shows his concern for commitment to God. 3) Healing- shows his concern for Gods people and there need for wholeness

5:3-5=> Jesus used contradictions to show how his way of living is backward from that of the world’s

5:3-12 The beatitudes can be understood at least four ways: 1) They are a code of ethics for the disciples and a standard of conduct for all believers. 2) They contrast Kingdom verses (which are eternal) with worldly values (which are temporary). 3) They contrast the superficial “faith” of the Pharisees with the real faith Christ wants. 4) They show how the Old Testament expectations will be fulfilled in the new kingdom.

5:11-12=> This verse tells of how Christ’s followers will be persecuted. Persecution can be good because 1) It takes our eyes off of earthly rewards. 2) It strips away superficial belief. 3) It strengthens the faith of those who endure. 4) Our attitude through it serves as an example

We can be comforted to know that God’s greatest prophets (Elijah, Jeremiah, and Daniel) were persecuted.

5:13=> we must not blend in as believers and do nothing or we would be as useless as non-salty salt

5:14-16=> Let the light of the lord shine through to others

5:17-20=> By Jesus’ time the laws had been so misquoted and miss understood they were just a mass of rules. Jesus when saying a new way of understanding God’s law was referring to bringing people back to their original understandings.

5:21-22=> Anger is a powerful sin and even if we do not act on our anger the emotional stress it puts on us is too much.

5:23=> Our anger with friends and really with anyone gets in the way of our relationship with God.

5:25-26=> We should settle disputes quickly and not leave any until the time that we meet our heavenly father.

5:27-28=> The act of lust is wrong so therefore the intention of these lustful activates is also wrong so Jesus warns of filling of one’s mind with fantasies that would be evil if acted out.

5:29-30=> It is easier to get rid of something that makes you sin than to go to hell for some possession, habit, or even person.

5:33-37=> Tell the truth do not make oaths that you know you will break. If you speak the truth always you will not have to back anything up.

5:38-39=> The term an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth was a guide line for judges in the old testament to make sure the punishment for the crime was not to severe or too lenient. It was not a go ahead for revenge if someone did something to you.
Supporting scripture and Old Testament references:

Exodus 21:23-25

Leviticus 24:19-20

Deuteronomy 19:21

5:38-42=> Instead of vengeance for those who wrong us pray for them this is the way of the Lord.

5:38-43=> these verse showed that Jesus was not the amazing military leader that the Jews wanted to help them escape Roman rule.

5:44=> We must trust the Holy Spirit to help us love your enemies

6:3=> it is important to do good acts but not so that you can get recognition from others but so that you can show others God’s love though your acts!



I will be honest I have never blogged before and It is new to me so forgive me if I am boring or break some unknown rule of online idea sharing. The main interest in starting a Blog is so that I can keep a record of my studies of the Bible and share them with others. I got the idea to do a blog by reading a book where a man talked with other believers about Jesus, God, the Bible, and many other related things. I am no professional scholar but if any can make use of what I have found in the Bible it will be worth it so I hope you enjoy what you find in later post!

Thank you, Dalton